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x <br />historicpreservation commission <br />• of south bend and st. joseph county <br />M I N U T E S ROOM 1123 COUNTY CITY BUILDING <br />south bend, indiana 46601 (219 284-9798) <br />Regular Meeting Third Floor Conference Room <br />February 25, 1985 County/City Building <br />1. Call to Order <br />The meeting was called to order at 8:02 p.m. <br />2. Roll Call <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. John Oxian, Mrs. Janeanne Petrass, lir. Michael <br />Beatty, Mr. Charlie Hayes, Mr. Odell Newburn, Ms. <br />Karen Kiemnec, and Ms. Elizabeth Straw. <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. F. Jay Nimtz, Mrs. Gina DeLaruelle, Mrs. Martha <br />Choitz, and Mrs. Joann Sporleder. <br />ALSO PRESENT: Ms. Jeanne Derbeck, South Bend Tribune Reporter; Mrs. <br />Ann Puzzello, Fourth District Councilperson. <br />• 3. Approval of Minutes <br />Mr. Newburn made a motion to approve the minutes as sent; Mr. Hayes <br />seconded; motion passed. <br />4. Treasurer's Report <br />Mrs. Petrass made a motion to approve the treasurer's report as sent; <br />Mr. Hayes seconded; motion passed. <br />5. Correspondence <br />a. A letter from the National Trust on a 1985 Directory of Historic <br />Preservation Lawyers. <br />b. The Indiana Arts Commission News for Winter, 1985. <br />c. A brochure on the reprint by the Northern Indiana Historical <br />Society, 1894 Art Work of South Bend & 1899 Our City. Ms. Kiemnec <br />indicated that she has ordered the publication. <br />d. The Preservation Advocate for Winter, 1985. <br />e. Southhold Newsletter for February of 1985. <br />• <br />