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Mayor Roger Parent <br />City of South Bend <br />• I.O.O. F . Building <br />Decem6er 21, 1981 <br />Page Two <br />F-1 <br />Please consid3r these additional facts. Allowing the building to stand <br />presents the public with no major hazard to .its safety. Just last <br />Thursday U. William Walter and Robert Placte of TRISCO SYSTEM, INC., <br />building restoration specialists, looked at the building here in South Bend. <br />There is no question that the terra cotta exterior has been allowed to <br />deteriorate, but no major hazard exists. The building should be more <br />closely inspected to this regard and particularly to identify and mark <br />pieces that may be irreparably damaged due to delayed maintenance <br />action and to assure that no critical area exists. This is a relatively <br />simple and not costly operation and could. be undertaken immediately. <br />Also the necessary terra cotta repair program could be undertaken <br />next spring without any difficulty. And the alleged doubling or more of <br />cost for this, terra cotta repair work is incorrect. The only cost extras <br />would be for the additional facade inspection that could be undertaken <br />immediately and for minor cost increases for escalation and higher wage <br />rates due to the delay. Even at this the first class repair cost will be <br />less than the cost of demolition. Specific information on this is available <br />to you from U. William Walter at TRISCO . <br />Another mistake should be corrected. It has been alleged that Transpo. <br />• wants the I.O.O. F . site. Transpo does require some 40,000 square feet <br />of clear land but as a matter of public record its preferences are for its <br />present location , rectangt: lar configuration, with three or four bus <br />loading lanes, "long" side running north -south. It seems the City has <br />indicated a desire for frontage along Main St for possible commercial <br />development so all of their present location apparently would not be <br />available to Transpo. Taking these factors and the actual space needs <br />program of Transpo into consideration along with the Rouse program for <br />a possible Century Mall downtown the attached design study and site analysis <br />of the area prepared by crumlish/sporleder and associates notes clearly <br />the I.O.O. F . building is not in the way of developing an excellent Transpo <br />downtown facility. The proposed scheme also creates a major downtown <br />open space link axially relating Century Center with the Court House and <br />with first Bank Center and River Bend Plaza. It also provides the City <br />with commercial development along Main Street ,as desired. Indeed the <br />I.O.O. F . building assists in strengthening the DOWNTOWN SOUTH BEND <br />redevelopment intent. <br />Thanks for your help and action on this important community matter. <br />Sincerely, ~� <br />Donald E. Sporleder, AIA <br />cc: City Council Area Pian Commission <br />Redevelopment Historic Preservation Commission <br />