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APPENDIX C <br />December 20, 3981 <br />Karen L. Kiemec <br />Preservation Planner <br />Historic Preservation Commission <br />Dear Karen, <br />A major focus of the Edgewater Place Historic District is the preservation of <br />the architectural integerety of the area. Consequently, our first priority in the <br />Pmzica-Freidline matter is to retain and rehabilitate the structures in their <br />present location. The arguments presented by the developers concerning the <br />quality of the structures and the cost of rehabilitation, contain an element of <br />truth. You are aware, I am sure, that the current condition of these structures <br />is due, in no small part, to lack of proper attention and maintenance. <br />Our second priority would be to allow demolition of the poorer houses but retain <br />those of quality on site. The land thus vacated would then be available on <br />which to locate those quality homes from the Monroe -Sample area,which'are <br />scheduled for clearance. <br />Third and last, if the land is to be cleared for development all of the salvageable <br />houses, with priority given to 601 Lincolnway East, should be relocated within <br />the neighborhood. <br />In closing, we wish to make it clear that we are opposed to demolition by neglect. <br />If our designation as an historic district, is to be more than words on paper, if <br />the Commission is to prove ita committment to historic preservation, than a stand <br />must be taken. <br />The Historic District Committee would be available to help in any areas in which <br />You feel our assistance is necessary. <br />Sinc e1y, <br />Gina DeLaruelle <br />Chairperson <br />Edgewater Place Historic District Committee <br />Don Keim <br />Charles Martin <br />Committee Members <br />s <br />