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APPENDIX B <br />10 16 West <br />Southold Heritage Foundationn Avenue <br />, Inc. South BendWashingto, Indiana 46601 <br />Area Code 219 289-1066 <br />December 17, 1981 <br />OFFICERS <br />F. Jay Nimtz <br />Chairman of the Board <br />Robert E. Soderberg <br />President <br />James A. Cook <br />VicePresident <br />Patricia B. Kyle <br />Secretary <br />L. James Perry <br />Treasurer <br />DIRECTORS <br />Anne Abernethy <br />Gaylen W. Alsop <br />Clinton D. Bucher <br />Floyd Carter <br />Roland W. Chamblee, Jr. <br />James A. Cook <br />Nancy Doyle <br />Herbert Herendeen <br />ruse D. Huntington <br />Richard Jensen <br />Wellington D. Jones, III <br />Patricia B. Kyle <br />Charles Martin <br />Dr. Josephine Murphy <br />F. Jay Nimtz <br />L. James Perry <br />Ruth 1. Price <br />Robert E. Soderberg <br />Joann Sporleder <br />Winifred Wulf <br />Historic 'Preservation CoTn.T-,i s si on <br />Karen L. Kiemnec <br />Room 1123 (3ounth City Building <br />South 3--nd , Indiana <br />46601 <br />Dear Karen: <br />In response to your letter of 12, December 81 concerning <br />the Freidline/Panziceproperties along Lincolnwa7 East <br />Southold <br />H�Iritap:e Foundation is Torillingn to market the houses for a move. <br />The staff would also pro -.ride financial counellin- and estimates <br />of major inoving costs for rotpntiai movers. Board polio, now <br />dictates that the owners of the structur-s -,,,r)u!,i be chn-Ted <br />* fee not to exceed the cost of 'erm.olition. <br />Tlealistic-Ily, several factors dec_--ase 'be lil-eli`:ood <br />of. -ins any of these props rhes: <br />1. the deadline allows insufficient time; <br />2. high interest rates are Darticula-l-Tr irexing to 'he <br />type of client that is R�,tr,,-cted to I house moves; <br />several other homes are currently being marketed <br />for moves; <br />4. these particular structures may ,.ot w -=-ant the hi -h <br />moving expr-nse in a(ldition to rehab cost:;, especical 1 y- <br />,ziven the availability of low-cost housing in South <br />Bend. CD <br />]a, -,t <br />It is the staff's oT)inion 'hat, I _ 1, at best, -wo of the houses <br />Jeffrey V. Gibney mi I -ht be moved: t' -p bungalo,..j at 601 -bemuse of its ch-.rTn,., -:rLd <br />ExecutivAndrews Ie Director the duplex at 605 -because of its income T�)rodut <br />cing noential. <br />Dea Jean <br />Administrative Assistant However, these structures h%ve specific lialbi�.itiev in ad," ition <br />to �-.-�e four general conditions cil"e-d above. The bu_nc-p low's <br />stone porch and chimney Tnay h­,ve to be dismantled and re- <br />assembled stone by stone; the ex-ense could be excessive for <br />such a small hou-e. The duel -x needs extensive rehabbing, <br />which ­.,ould discouri-7e not -n t4,�-.l investors. Through q11 of <br />CEJ <br />Member of: National Trust for Historic Preservation <br />Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana <br />