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January 16, 1978 <br />Page 5 <br />about not being construed to mean that there are or there are not buildings <br />of historic value in the downtown area. The Council feels that the pro- <br />posed Century Mall, as it is now conceived, will have no effect on that. <br />He said that if the Commission approves the letter the Council approved <br />or whether it just goes along with the statement, there is really very <br />little difference. He said once you get into the process of determining <br />whether there are historic values or not, and asking the state people and <br />those on the national level to make that determination, that takes much <br />more time. He felt that perhaps the easiest and most logical approach <br />at this time to help the release of federal funds is to not address oneself <br />to that issue but to adopt the paragraph that Mrs. Sporleder read earlier. <br />Mr. Oxian then remarked that Mr. Allsop wanted a change in the statement <br />to include the part, "...please note that the above statement is not to be <br />construed as the Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend and St. <br />Joseph County's support that downtown buildings may or may not have historic <br />value, " <br />There was some discussion by Mr. Oxian and Mrs. Price regarding this <br />matter. <br />Mr. Allsop addressed the Commission and said he had adopted basically the <br />same language as the City Council, particulary the last paragraph because <br />it doesn't say that there are any buildings that have established signi- <br />ficance in the downtown area or that there aren't. That would be left for <br />a later determination. He said what you are saying now is that you are <br />• taking the Odd Fellows Building really out of the way of the progress of <br />Century Mall. He said the Commission could still deal with the JMS Build- <br />ing , the Oliver Theatre or any other buildings at a later date. <br />Mrs. Sporleder then said she would withdraw her motion, as she had read it, <br />if Mr. Nimtz's amendment were included. She wanted the Commission to only <br />adopt the paragraph in Mr. Parent's letter to Mr. Oxian. She said one <br />paragraph in Mr. Parent's letter to Mr. Cloud sums it up and it says in <br />essence what the Commission needs to say. It was pointed out that Mr. <br />Nimtz's amendment was seconded by Mr. Rothermel. Mr. Nimts then suggested <br />that he and Mr. Rothermel withdraw their motion for the amendment and start <br />clean with what Mr. Allsop has proposed. Mr. Oxian interjected the Mr. <br />Wasielewski had seconded the motion read by Mrs. Sporleder. Mrs. Sporleder <br />said she does not want the second paragraph included. <br />Mr. Nimtz then addressed Mr. Oxian and stated that they are withdrawing <br />the amendment which he had originally made. He allowed that the original <br />motion be amended to read as follows: The Historic Preservation Commission <br />of South Bend and St. Joseph County finds that the proposed Century Mall <br />has no adverse effect on any properties which may be listed or may be <br />eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Con- <br />versely, the proposed Century Mall can have a beneficial effect on historic <br />properties in South Bend through the general economic strengthening of the <br />Downtown. We resolve that the above statement is not to be construed as <br />the Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend and St. Joseph County's <br />support that downtown buildings may or may not have historic value." <br />Mr. Nimtz said that was his amendment to the motion. Mr. Eckerle seconded <br />this motion. <br />