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August 15, 1977 <br />Page 7 <br />limin aries. He had talked to W. Gaylen Allsop on this question <br />of facade easements and has the name of a local man who could do - <br />the He is going to set up a meeting with this gentle- <br />man to get some input. Ms. Davisson informed the Commission that <br />she had gotten a good deal of information on this subject from <br />Ipswich, Massachusetts. It was not, however, called an easement <br />but a preservation agreement. It was suggested that perhaps H.E.W. <br />money could be obtained to do this project. Mr. Oxian said that <br />Mr. Gaylen Allsop had told the Commission that the "scenic ease- <br />ment law" was available and would be the basis on which to start <br />the local fascade easement cases. These easements were passed as <br />covenants. Ms. Davisson said that in Ipswich, each home owner <br />was paid $1,000 for such an easement. There was a good deal of <br />discussion on this subject. <br />Mr. Oxian then read a letter from American Preservation which <br />asked for names of persons doing restorative work on homes. It <br />was decided that this periodical was looking for a mailing list <br />and no further action was taken. <br />He then brought up a subscription form for Preservation Action <br />and it was announced that this was a lobby and Mr. Smith should <br />be asked if he wanted to join. <br />Staff Report <br />Ms. Gilbert informed the Commission that under the chairmanship <br />of Al Stivers, the old Union Station - now called Union Square was <br />going to have an Art Festival on the forthcoming Labor Day weekend. <br />A number of artists and craftsmen were interested in permanent <br />spaces and Mr. Stivers explained that they rented for 10, 12, and <br />15 dollars. He elaborated on the various plans for the station and <br />said there would be a restaurant as well as a cocktail lounge. Mr. <br />Stivers then made a rmtion that the Commission congratulate the <br />owners in their endeavor to succeed in the renovation of the old <br />Union Station. Mr. Wasielewski seconded this motion and it passed <br />unanimously. <br />Search Committee <br />Mr. Stivers informed the Commission that to date 26 applicants <br />had applied for the position of Historic Preservation Planner. <br />He said an evaluative chart had been set up for each applicant <br />who would be rated on nine different characteristics pertaining <br />to the job. He explained four of these could be evaluated fom <br />the resumes. Mr. Oxian suggested another meeting be held and Mr. <br />Stivers set it up for Wednesday, August 17, at 7:30 P.M. <br />7. Old Business <br />Plaques: Mr. Ted Wasielewski said Mr. Kidder had been in touch with <br />him and informed him that he had not yet received the plaque for his <br />landmarked structure. Mr. Oxian informed him that he still has it, <br />