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August 15, 1977 <br />Page 8 <br />as well as Mr. Fodrocy's. <br />Mr. Oxian then requested that letters be sent to owners of all structures <br />which had been plaqued asking for two pictures of their homes: one show- <br />ing the plaque as affixed to the outside of the house, and another a gen- <br />eral view of the house. <br />Mr. Oxian then spoke about the CETA position for research assistant and <br />said that at a May 19, 1977 committee meeting, this position was denied. <br />He talked. with Mr. Kelsenberg and, was referred to lairs. Taylor about this <br />matter who was going to ask the CETA.Advisory Committee to reconsider <br />our request for position's application for z'!unding. <br />8. New Business <br />lds. Belle Pendleton informed the Commission that she had spoken with <br />Brian Crumlish and appraised herself of what was being done with the <br />survey cards. She said he is rating the structures but is not yet <br />describing the houses. There are, howerver, photos on the cards. He <br />will describe the structures on the superior homes after consultation <br />with the Survey Committee. She said the North Shore Triangle is nearly <br />done and the Hillcrest section. Ms. Davisson said that perhaps Jeanne <br />Denham could help Belle with the historical research, using the money <br />the commission has left. Sandy Davis, as well could — help on the research. <br />It was suggested that Mrs. Denham be hired on a part -time basin, and a <br />motion was made to do this if money was available. The motion was <br />seconded and passed unanimously. Mr. Wasielewski said he would check <br />into the budget to see what is available. <br />9. Announcements and Miscellaneous Matters <br />Mr. Oxian read a letter dated.August 15, to Mr. Brownell regarding the <br />framing of an environmental impact statemtn regarding the downtown area. <br />Ms. Davisson said the Commission should ultimately write such a statement. <br />Mr. Oxian then read another letter to the Advisory Council on Historic <br />Preservation, again asking for their opinion of South Bend's downtown <br />area. The list of buildings on which such opinion was asked was read. <br />There was discussion on these matters. <br />Mr. Oxian next read a letter to Mayor Nemeth and Ms. Sporleder said the <br />Commission should get a commitment from him. <br />10. Hearing of Visitors <br />Mr. Pauszek spoke about whether there was a plan to cover things like - -- <br />the controver j of the Odd Fellows Building, and the projected develop- <br />ment of the downtown. He talked about the Oliver Theater Building and <br />the project at C ntral High School. He said they are going to have a <br />class program there in drama. Then he discussed plans for the Little <br />Theater and thanked the Commission for its interest in Central High School. <br />