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June, 1975 <br />Page <br />Mr. Oxian reported that he'wrote a letter to a'Mr. Hammer- <br />schmidt of 220 West LaSalle regarding his home..,. He,also <br />mentioned that there.;had been no response from Mr. Klein <br />of North Shore Drive. Mr. Oxian is trying to find out <br />the date of construction of the Oddfellows Building. <br />Consultant's Report <br />Ms; Schlereth submitted the dossier of the Bartlett House <br />which had been compiled by Tawny Ryan, American' -Studies <br />Intern from Notre Dame-. She said copies of this would go-- <br />to the Northern Indiana Historical Society, the Public'Li <br />brary, Notre Dame''and one had already been given to Mg. -Ryan. <br />She said we had two additional copies but that these did not' <br />have any photographs and Ruth'Price of Southhold Restorations <br />indicated that she very much would-like'to have a copy. Ms. <br />Schlereth reported that Ms; Ryan'was now'doing a similar study <br />on the Fredrickson House on her own time. Ms: Derbeck of the - <br />Tribune suggested that the Bartlett House study might be con- <br />sidered for publication in the Tribune's Sunday'supplement: <br />the Michiana Magazine. She would confer with Ms. Ryan on this <br />matter. <br />8. Old Business <br />Humanities Meetings <br />Ms. Davisson~reported that the next Meeting will be June 16th <br />at St. Paul's Church. She urged Commission meiubers'to attend <br />as it will be the last meeting. She said the meetings would <br />be evaluated in two ways: in terms of the objectives'of the <br />ICH proposal and of their value to the Commission: Ms. Schler- <br />eth passed out copies of an evaluative tool that will be' given <br />to participants to complete. These would b6' -included in the <br />final' evaluation sent to the ICH. -She suggested that as the <br />Commission was sponsoring the.meetings that Commission members <br />should also fill out the evaluations. <br />Ms. Jeanne Derbeck was commended for the fine articles on <br />these neighborhood meetings which she had written. <br />Plaques <br />In the absence of Jack Smith, no report was forthcoming on <br />this subject. <br />Resolutions #2 and #3 <br />Mr. Rothermel said he and the Landmarks Committee had worked <br />on Resolution #2 and he had several recommendations. He out- <br />lined changes that he felt were necessary in the resolution. <br />He also suggested that the Commission take the resolution to <br />Richard Johnson in Area Plan to check on the procedure for <br />public hearings: 'It was further suggested that 'a clean copy <br />be made of the resolution and submitted at the next meeting. <br />