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August 11, 1975 <br />Page 2 <br />in the amount of 1,750.00. Mr. Oxian moved that these bills be <br />approved for payment. Ms. Woolridge seconded this motion and it <br />passed unanimously. <br />5. Correspondence <br />Lois McMahon then passed around a brochure concerning the Seventh <br />Annual Indiana Conference on Historic Preservation, to be held in <br />Bloomington on Sept. 19 -20, 1975. It was duly noted by the Com- <br />mission. <br />She said all the firms to whom she had written regarding plaques <br />had answered and sent catalogs showing various markers. Only one <br />firm had sent a price list. These catalogs were passed around to <br />the Commission and then claimed by John Oxian, chairman of the <br />Landmarks Committee. <br />A letter from Mark Rozeen, who is staff liasion for ARCH on the <br />Fort Wayne Bicentennial Commission asking for information from <br />us as to our progress and asking to be placed on our mailing <br />list was read. <br />Lois McMahon stated that a call had been received from Carl Arm- <br />strong regarding our County Survey. He requested samples of the <br />Inventory Sheets which the Crumlish/Sporleder firm had completed <br />on historic houses. A dozen examples, along with a covering <br />letter, were sent on August 11. <br />6. Committee Reports <br />ICH Evaluator's Report <br />Ms. Davisson introduced Dr. Thomas Fern who had come, as <br />an evaluator, to give his report on the Urban Conservation -- <br />and Neighborhood Policy meetings. A four -part evaluation re- <br />port was given to each of the Commission members. Dr. Fern <br />then read excerpts from his report. After the reading of --- <br />the evaluation, there was further discussion about its con- <br />tents. Ms. Davisson then made a motion that the evaluation <br />be accepted as presented. Ms. Sporleder seconded this mo- <br />tion and it passed unanimously. <br />Presentation by Area Plan Commission <br />This presentation was tabled for future consideration. <br />Survey Consultant's Report <br />There was no report at this time but it was announced <br />that the County Survey was 75% completed. The report <br />will be forthcoming at the next meeting. <br />