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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - May 19, 1995 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />d. continued... <br />considering a request for approval to hire <br />Peirce and Associates to design an extension <br />of William Richardson Drive. That request <br />is related to this project. Eventually we will <br />also be asking for Commission approval for <br />a commitment to construct William <br />Richardson Court sometime over the <br />summer. <br />Mr. Beitzinger added that although the tax <br />abatement report deals strictly with this <br />project, the company is looking at a second <br />phase within 24 months. They plan to add <br />an industrial water wash facility which will <br />require an investment of $5.3 million and an <br />addition of 60,000 square feet. That will <br />bring their total estimated employment in <br />South Bend up to 90 employees, so within <br />the next two years, they will probably come <br />back for another abatement. <br />Peter Trybula of Baker and Daniels was <br />present, representing Absorbtech, to answer <br />any questions. <br />Ms. Auburn asked Mr. Trybula where the <br />absorbed oil and other waste material goes. <br />Mr. Trybula explained that a cloth textile <br />absorbs the oils. The textiles are then <br />packaged up and taken back to a facility that <br />Absorbtech is going to build, where the oils <br />are cleaned out of the cloth and disposed of <br />in accordance with environmental <br />regulations. This process takes the liquids <br />that are usually landlilled, and puts them <br />into a recycling process. The end products <br />-10- <br />