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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 3, 1995 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. continued... <br />because it had specific ideas for projects <br />and who has responsibility for each. It is <br />extremely well thought out and reflects a <br />lot of time and effort spent to develop it. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the plan discusses <br />"house moves" by the Redevelopment <br />Commission. Later in this meeting the <br />Commission will act on a Contract for <br />CDBG funds for those house moves. <br />Mrs. Kolata suggested a follow -up <br />discussion of the plan with the <br />Commissioners after they have had time to <br />read it. <br />Roland Kelly indicated the Common <br />Council's support for the action plan. He <br />commended the neighborhood organization <br />for its efforts in putting it together and <br />hopes to see it come to fruition. It is very <br />important to the Southeast Neighborhood. <br />b. Public Hearing on Resolution No. 1320, <br />a Supplemental Appropriation <br />Resolution of the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission. <br />Mrs. Kolata asked that the proofs of <br />publication from the Tri- County News and <br />the South Bend Tribune showing that the <br />Notice of Public Hearing was published in <br />those newspapers on February 17, 1995 be <br />entered into the record. There was no <br />objection and the items were so entered. <br />L -9- <br />