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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 3, 1995 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />C. continued... <br />Dear Mrs. Kolata: <br />This letter is in reference to the recent <br />legal notice appearing in the South Bend <br />Tiibune soliciting bids on the property at <br />602 South Michigan Street. Our intent is <br />not to make a bid at this time, but rather <br />{ to indicate our continued interest in <br />using part of the property as a Church <br />parking lot. As well, we would be <br />interested in purchasing the lot if a <br />decision would be made to sell the land <br />in parcels. W appreciate your <br />consideration and cooperation in this <br />Ark matter. <br />Sincerely, <br />Pastor Ralph Parker <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that we have told the <br />church that it is not our intent to sell the <br />property for a parking lot. We are <br />aware that they are parking on it on <br />Sundays. We hope that we could work <br />something out with the eventual end user <br />to accommodate their needs. <br />d. Staff report on disposition of property <br />in the South Bend Central <br />Development Area. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the Commission <br />accepted a proposal to remove the <br />southern-most of the small buildings on <br />the Dreisbach property. We have <br />0 <br />