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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting - November 15, 1993 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. continued... <br />South Bend back on the map. We're really <br />enthusiastic and hope that you pass this <br />resolution. <br />MARY JO MARTINEK: I'm from the <br />Convention and Visitors Bureau. I'm here on <br />behalf of Marge Filchak, the Executive <br />Director of the Bureau. She was unable to <br />attend today because she is in London, <br />England, promoting South Bend to <br />international tour operators. I'd like to read <br />her letter. <br />November 15, 1993 <br />Open letter to the Redevelopment <br />Commissioners: <br />The opening of the College Football Hall of <br />Fame in downtown South Bend will allow <br />the community to attract a greater number <br />of visitors to the area. We must offer <br />potential visitors an array of attractions to <br />entice them into the community and <br />encourage their overnight stay. <br />With the casinos that will eventually be built <br />in the communities to our west and their <br />potential draw, it becomes even more <br />imperative that this community stay <br />competitive. The College Football Hall of <br />Fame will allow us to do so. <br />In 1992 visitors to our area spent an <br />estimated $239, 000, 000. If this financial <br />impact is going to continue to be realized, <br />-12- <br />