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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting - November 15, 1993 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. continued... <br />about the Hall of Fame. I was shocked when <br />last month we approved a donation to the <br />Hall of Fame. It's because people feel, in <br />our neighborhood, that this can lead to jobs. <br />Jobs might solve some of the problems in this <br />community. In our neighborhood, <br />specifically, the largest employer is <br />Tippecanoe Place. They employ between 80 <br />and 90 people, full and part time. The <br />second largest employer is the history <br />museum, employing 50 people. Both of <br />those institutions depend on tourism. We <br />also have three small inns in the <br />neighborhood. There could be more. We <br />see it as a positive action —maybe something <br />that could lead to some retail development <br />downtown so old and young people could <br />shop downtown. Thank you. <br />MIKE SEITZ: I'm Vice President of the <br />Chamber of Commerce. Today I'm here on <br />behalf of Steve Queior, our President, and <br />our Board of Directors to speak in favor of <br />the bond issue. We see this as a catalyst for <br />economic development in the downtown area. <br />We see this as an increase in tourism and as <br />an overall fantastic program for the <br />community. I can remember opposition to <br />the building of Elbel Golf Course and the <br />bond issue for Potowatomi Zoo, Stanley <br />Coveleski Stadium, and the East Race, and <br />all the negative attitudes towards those fine <br />projects and just look what attributes those <br />are to the community today. Just think of the <br />quality of life enhancement that will be <br />brought to the community. It'll really put <br />-11- <br />