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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 3, 1993 <br />3. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS (Cont.) <br />REDEVELOPMENT GENERAL (� continued... <br />The Troyer Group <br />Policemen's Federal Credit Union <br />Total Redevelopment General <br />SAMPLE EWING ( #414) <br />York Title <br />Total Sample Ewing <br />GRAND TOTAL <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr <br />Aft Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Claims submitted <br />September 3, 1993. <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />a. Communication from Audubon Society. <br />Mrs. Kolata read the Communication from <br />the Audubon Society regarding the wetlands <br />advocated for Blackthorn Corporate Park. <br />Ms. Paula Auburn <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />1200 County -City Building <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Dear Ms. Auburn: <br />Having read the article in the South Bend <br />Tribune by Don Porter entitled "Wetlands <br />-3- <br />817.00 <br />10,334.39 <br />$ 17,384.01 <br />$ 7,560.00 <br />$ 7,560.00 <br />$ 102,430.85 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE CLAIMS <br />SUBMITTED SEPTEMBER 3, 1993 <br />COMMUNICATION FROM THE AUDUBON <br />SOCIETY <br />