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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - August 6, 1993 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />m. continued... <br />Ken Allen, who plans to live in the home <br />with his family, has had extensive rehab <br />experience and plans to hire other Watseka <br />employees to work with him after the State <br />Theater is completed. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the minimum <br />offering price for the property was set at <br />$6,000, which we felt was probably <br />unrealistic due to the cost of the rehab it <br />would require. The staff recommends <br />accepting the bid, contingent upon receipt of <br />the financing information which has been <br />requested. We would like to have the house <br />saved and rehabbed rather than demolishing <br />it. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded <br />by Mr. Sharp and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission accepted the purchase offer <br />from Watseka Theatre Corporation for 611 <br />S. Clinton in the South Bend Central <br />Development Area. <br />n. Commission approval requested for Loan in <br />connection with the West Washingaton Loan <br />Program through the Bureau of Housing for <br />property at 210 LaPorte Street. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that there has been a loan <br />fund available through the Bureau of <br />Housing in the West Washington - Chapin <br />Development Area for some time for the <br />rehab of owner - occupied homes. Kathy <br />Baumgartner, Director of the Bureau of <br />Housing intends to give a status report on <br />the West Washington Loan Program at the <br />next Commission meeting. However, this <br />loan for a house at 210 LaPorte Street has a <br />-14- <br />COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE <br />PURCHASE OFFER FROM WATSEKA <br />THEATRE CORPORATION FOR 611 S. <br />CLINTON IN THE SOUTH BEND <br />CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />