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South Bend evelopmelt Conmi_ssion <br />Regular Mee ing - November 8, 1991 <br />6. NEW BUSOMS (Copt.) <br />c. ccnr- =ecl.. . <br />M <br />pernanent, full -time jobs, but will <br />ma' tain two hundred ten (210) existing <br />pernanent, full -time and part -time jobs <br />witi an annual payroll of $5,200,000. <br />The property is properly zoned for the <br />p ed use. The property is not <br />1 ted in an area presently designated <br />as EL Tax Abatement Impact Area by the <br />Sou Bend Common Council. The property <br />is ocated in a tax Incremental Financing <br />Allocation Area. The petitioner <br />qua1ifies for five years of personal <br />property Tax abatement under Section <br />2-84.2 (Tangible Personal Property) of <br />the Tax Abatement Ordinance. <br />Witiout abatement, the taxes on this <br />project would be approximately $19,264. <br />Witi abatement, the taxes would be <br />app tely $4,027. Therefore, the <br />amomt abated over the five year period <br />wo4d be approximately $15,237. <br />Mr. Parker noted that the name of the <br />in the medical industry, also, is <br />ity. This equipment will enable <br />Autdratic Technologies to remain <br />c titive in their business in the <br />'906. <br />Upai a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Faccenda and unanimously carried, <br />the Can-aission approved. Resolution <br />No. 1026 approving an application for <br />pergonal property tax deduction for <br />p rty located at 3606 Progress Drive <br />in he Airport Economic Development Area <br />(Au anatic Technologies, Inc.). <br />MrsJ Kolata asked that this item be <br />tab ed indefinitely. <br />IN <br />• 1 • ••••• �� • • <br />• 1 ••••• 1 • ••• . • <br />•. ..�. • �. ■.•.ON ■ . <br />•JIB • •- ..•.�. • . 0� <br />.1. -'•H' �- <br />V I <br />1 � � Y` C �1 1 I• 1 � <br />