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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />6. NEW BUT' <br />b. ca <br />C. <br />elopment Cmiission <br />- November 8, 1991 <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. Parker explained that the mold <br />indtistry and the plastics industry have <br />dbanged substantially. It is necessary <br />to be a full service manufacturer and cut <br />the time from design to shipping the <br />praluct while improving quality. This <br />C ter aided equipment will enable <br />ius Tool and Mold to remain <br />c titive by cutting production time <br />and improving quality. <br />Upal a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded <br />by Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission approved Resolution No. <br />1025 approving an application for <br />personal property tax deduction for <br />p rty located at 1920 N. Kenmore <br />Stn--et in the Airport Economic <br />lcpment Area. (Aquarius Tool & Mold, <br />Inc.) <br />Area. (Automatic <br />, Inc.) <br />Mr. ' Fonash read the staff report on the <br />moro ect . <br />The petitioner proposes to purchase and <br />install two Kawaguchi KM 50 -3 Molding <br />Presses, five Corsair CD 100A <br />d 'difying Dryers, one Conair CD 200A <br />dehmadifying Dryers with options, and <br />thirteen Corsair Tempro thermolators Model <br />TCI DI. This new manufacturing equipment <br />will be used in the custan molding of <br />plastic injection parts and will not <br />rep ace existing manufacturing <br />equipment. The petitioner states that <br />the proposed equipment is needed to <br />seriice increased customer requirements. <br />The <br />project will create no (0) new <br />-5- <br />I�JI� • •- ••• ■.'ll' • .911 <br />