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South Bend <br />Regular MeE <br />elogrent Cmraission <br />- September 13, 1991 <br />6. NEW BL18INESS (Copt-) <br />a. contlnuuea... <br />equipment which they have been <br />to purchase until now because of <br />cient space. <br />Mr. Ray noted that the facade of the new <br />building will match that of the existing <br />building. The new loading dock area will <br />be on. the northeast side of the <br />building. It will be screened fran view <br />by the Main Street Row building and by <br />the new building. The project will <br />require vacation of the alley between the <br />present building and the Colfax Theater. <br />The new office space on the second floor <br />wilL provide modern office space for the <br />ci ation and promotion departuents and <br />expmided editorial offices for the <br />TLrioune Business Weekly and the Irish <br />s Report. <br />Mr. Ray noted that this expansion will <br />enaz)le the Tribune to purchase much <br />nedled modern equipment, which will, in <br />turn, allow them to remain in the <br />The project has been approved for <br />acccnplishment by Schurz Canm nications, <br />their parent company, and expenditure of <br />the necessary funds has been authorized <br />by e Board of Directors. The Tribune <br />plarts to begin construction in January <br />199L, as soon as the site is cleared. <br />Com letion of construction and <br />ins laticn of equipment will take <br />appaiximately 18 months. Construction <br />cos :s are expected to be approximately <br />$5, 00,000 and the new machinery will <br />cos approximately $5,000,000, totaling <br />$10,000,000. <br />Upoa a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded <br />by Mr. Ccmbs and unanimously carried, the <br />Com-aission received the bid for Parcel <br />C27 -7 in the South Bend Central <br />Develcgnent Area and referred it to the <br />sta f for report and recamm�endation. <br />-4- <br />MAYIESSION RECEIVED TBE BID FOR <br />PARCEL M 7-7 IN TEE SOUM It <br />CENTRAL DEVELOPY= AREA AND <br />REM= IT TO STAFF FOR REPOR.-V <br />AM REOMYMMMON <br />