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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />6. NEW BU <br />C. Co. <br />M <br />e. <br />alcgnent Catmission <br />- July 26, 1991 <br />(Cont.) <br />upoa a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded <br />bylvir. Piasecki and unanimously carried, <br />the Ccnmi.ssion approved the Certificate <br />of Carpletion for Fortuna Land Carpany <br />for Parcel 14 in Monroe Park (South Bend <br />Cep ral Development Area). <br />9LIV <br />of <br />0 <br />Mr. <br />not <br />Rosenfeld explained that the <br />fission acquired the Colfax Theater on <br />7, 1991. At that time there were <br />ued taxes and penalties on that real <br />to totaling $13,208.42. The <br />fission is petitioning the State Board <br />ex CaYmissioners to release the <br />ued taxes and remove the property <br />ithe tax rolls. <br />. a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded <br />t. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />CmTnission approved the Petition to <br />ase Accrued 'faxes and Remove Property <br />i Tax Rolls. <br />Rosenfeld noted that on <br />it 26, 1991, the Ccnmission <br />isferred. this property in the Monroe <br />area to the Board of Public Works. <br />purpose for the transfer of the <br />perty was for the development of <br />jle family housing by a not- for - profit <br />3nization. At the time two <br />- for -profit organizations were <br />Brested in developing the property. <br />Board of Public Works has requested <br />�ution of a deed for that property. <br />-4- <br />• •. in • ki M QOj -L • r ! Ll is <br />M <br />V-9i ' 0 1D • <br />• • •••.• DIN <br />i • <br />MMONSIDNIIIIJUMV A, <br />R . .. • . . . • A, - • <br />s• y. <br />