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It TA as noted that the title of the <br />resolution sites 43 U.S.C. and it should <br />site 42 U.S.C. Other references to the <br />act in the body of the resolution are <br />by Pt <br />Resc <br />to <br />Rel <br />Ajcq Li <br />U.S <br />act <br />7. PROGRES <br />Mrs. Ko <br />Redevel <br />issue ork <br />is tenta <br />closing <br />8. NEXT CCI EM <br />The n <br />Commiss <br />at 10:0 <br />9. ADJ <br />a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded <br />. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />ssion approved, as corrected, <br />lution No. 978 declaring its intent <br />ly with the Federal Uniform <br />tions Assistance and Real Property <br />itions Policies Act of 1970 (42 <br />C. Sec. 4601 -4655) and ratifying <br />ons taken pursuant thereto. <br />ata reported that we closed on the <br />ment Authority Taxable Airport bond <br />February 7th. The tax exempt issue <br />tively scheduled for a March 13th <br />Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment <br />on is scheduled for February 22, 1991 <br />a.m. <br />There being no further business to come <br />before the Commission, Mr. Combs made a <br />motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. <br />Donoho seconded the motion and the meeting <br />was adi urned at 10:26 a.m. <br />N. Auburn, President <br />CESSION APPROVED, AS <br />CORRECIED, RESOLUTION NO. 978 <br />DECLARING ITS INTENT TO COMPLY <br />WITH THE FEDERAL UNIFORM <br />RELOCATIONS ASSISTANCE AND REAL <br />PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS POLICIES <br />ACT OF 1970 (42 U.S.C. SEC. <br />4601 -4655) AND RATIFYING ACTIONS <br />TARN PURSUANT TBERETO <br />• 106-'t • 1.4 D1.0 •d <br />•• • 101 <br />_: •: r uw���r <br />. Ann E. Kolata, Director <br />