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South Bend evelopnent Commission <br />Rescheduled Pegular Meeting - December 21, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />d. contlmed... <br />e. <br />ti s" method. However, the tanks <br />need to be full to use that method. The <br />has indicated that one of the two <br />will never be filled with fuel as <br />the 1 lemand for that type of fuel is not <br />high enough. An alternative method for <br />test' is to do soil borings around the <br />ta„k <br />The cost difference between the two <br />methAs is significant. The "tank <br />tigh " method costs $500 per tank. <br />The Soil borings, at six per tank, cost <br />$985 per boring plus a one time staging <br />cost of $250, totalling $6,160. <br />Mr. Doncho suggested that the staff look <br />into the cost of filling the tank for <br />test' imposes and then reselling the <br />fuel to Municipal Services for use in <br />City vehicles. <br />The 13mmussion directed the staff to <br />inves.tigate the possibility of purchasing <br />fuel to fill the tank for the "tank <br />tigh " testing method. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Doncho, seconded by <br />W. mbs and unanimously carried, the <br />ion directed the staff to <br />inv igate the possibility of filling <br />the with City purchased fuel in <br />ord to do a tank tightness test. If <br />that is not -a possibility, the commission <br />app es the Amendment to Contract with <br />ATEC Envirornnental Consultants for <br />env' nmental services in the Studebaker <br />Corr dor Development Area. <br />-4- <br />• • •• • �. 1 lal ! lai • <br />a• � r • i Ial <br />•• •1 all <br />-• lai <br />al' « I al' <br />a•-- �•• al COO Iai <br />