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South Bend F <br />Rescheduled <br />M <br />b. <br />c.. <br />d. <br />anent Commission <br />Meeting - December 21, 1990 <br />(Cont.) <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that this is a <br />modification to an existing contract. <br />The original contract was to have expired <br />December 31, 1990. It is being extended <br />to December 31, 1991. The original <br />con ct was for $100,000. 'There has <br />an additional $80,000 added to the <br />con ct. The purpose of the contract is <br />to preliminary develcpmnt costs for <br />pro ects, prior to having funds for the <br />pro ects themselves. It is paid back <br />fra i project funds when they are <br />available. The $80,000 being added to <br />fund is a repayment of <br />pr evelcpment costs from the Studebaker <br />Co idor Bond issue. <br />Uport a motion by Mr. C mbs, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Camd.ssion approved the Addendum to <br />Contxact with the Department of Economic <br />Dev opment for Predevelcpment Activity <br />0 -002). <br />Staff XLeport on acquisition of property <br />in the Studebaker Corridor Development <br />Arez L. <br />Theas were no counter offers for <br />co ideration by the Commission at this <br />Mr. Pocius explained that ATEC needs to <br />do ing to one more property in the <br />Stikebaker Corridor under their current <br />contract. nmt property is a gas <br />"ion. ATEC was originally going to <br />tes# it by what is called a "tank <br />-3- <br />Cnq4ISSION APPROVED ADDENDUM TO <br />CONTRACT WITH THE DEPARIMENT OF <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPIVEM FOR <br />PREDEVELOPHENT <br />•.:0 0• <br />