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South Bend evelopment Cmimission <br />Regular Mee ing - October 26, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUS4NESS (Copt.) <br />f. continued... <br />Ms. Kolata stated the we did same <br />relocations for the Airport Authority <br />Those properties were south and west of <br />the airport. Ms. Robinson has nearly <br />ccupleted those relocations. Almost all <br />of this is northwest of the airport. <br />Nine properties are northwest of the <br />a' rt and one is on Bendix Dr. just <br />no of Viridian. This is approximately <br />240 acres. Some of this is vacant land, <br />is farm land and some is property <br />wh a people are living. <br />Ms. Kolata said that Mr. PendlIs and Mr. <br />Bradford I s property is here. I've met <br />with the appraisers and relayed the <br />concerns that the property owners have <br />expressed to us. Mr. Hunt and I went out <br />and toured Mr. Pendl's property, went <br />through his house, across his property <br />and we relayed those conversations to the <br />appraisers. We asked them to consider <br />all of the things that were brought to <br />our attention. The property owners <br />indicated to us that if we are going to <br />buy them they want to get some sense of <br />what the values are going to be and they <br />want us to move forward on the <br />appraisals. They have asked we have all <br />notifications sent to them by certified <br />mail. I've relayed that to the <br />appiaisers and I think that the owners <br />are not happy that we're looking at their <br />prqerty, but if we are looking, they <br />want us to do it. Mr. Pendl has about 15 <br />Ms. Kolata said the appraisals are used <br />to Establish what the value is and we <br />would use it for the budget for the bond <br />-39- <br />