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South Bend edevelcpment Cormnission <br />Regular Meeting - October 26, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. continuect... <br />We inly know that parking is <br />important for a business, but parking is <br />not always the highest and best use for a <br />particular piece of land. We are looking <br />at ways of consolidating land and maybe <br />prmriding a different form of access to <br />the back of that property so that we can <br />the bigger blocks of land for <br />devcdcpment and at the same time protect <br />those businesses that are there. No <br />single property was targeted for <br />acquisition. The next step is to sit down <br />wit1i each of you on an individual basis. <br />jub Auburn stated that the puipose of the <br />i <br />s hearing and the meeting is to get <br />t ly that kind of input. <br />Mr. Goodiew wanted to add that Block 10 <br />parcel no. 4, because it's a triangular <br />piece of land, what we wish to retain is <br />direct access to loading docks. He has <br />no objection to squaring off the property <br />but needs more than just a narrow alley. <br />Mr. Ed Richardson, American Medical, 228 <br />Broadway wanted to know the time frame <br />for these acquisitions and whether the <br />offexs would be to us by the end of the <br />veax. <br />MS. Kolata said it could be about the end <br />of a year or the beginning of next <br />Mr. <br />is <br />YOU <br />.chardson asked that if everything <br />eeable then we are relocated, do <br />ve any assistance in relocation. <br />-22- <br />