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South Bend edevelcpment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - October 26, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUS= S (Cont.) <br />a. con-¢inuea... <br />Mr. Greg Walz with J.E. Walz at 1202 S. <br />Laf yette. I have a question as to the <br /> of this acquisition. When do we <br />hav to vacate and when would this take <br />pla ? I have a 40,000 sq. ft warehouse <br />and a lot of merchandise. <br />Ms. olata said that we are having <br />appmaisals done and we are also looking <br />at scme of the errviromental conditions <br />in the area. As we get that work <br />caq)leted we would came back to the <br />'Commission and say we are now ready to <br />p with this component of <br />aczILLisition. We've already sent out a <br />n of purchase offers to property <br />owners in the corridor but those are <br />pr' ily the residential units. As the <br />bacl.ground work is completed we will came <br />fonrard to the Commission. The timetable <br />for that would be over the next few <br />months. Once we send an offer there is <br />certainly time to negotiate and time to <br />discuss how long it would take to vacate <br />the property. We usually give at least <br />90 clays to move and that can be extended <br />if there are extenuating circumstances. <br />James Carr represents South Bend Lathe. <br />South Bend Lathe has two lots on Franklin <br />St. which are improved. They're paved, we <br />put in storm sewers, and fencing to <br />create parking space. This parking space <br />is essential to Corridor properties <br />continued renting of the parking spaces. <br />South Bend. Lathe further owns lots 22 - <br />25 an the corner of Lafayette and Sample <br />and I object to the acquisition of those <br />projerties without reason. I have a copy <br />of the Studebaker Corridor Project as it <br />was originally conceived and want to know <br />why it has been changed and what is the <br />rationale for the checkerboard <br />acq4isition of properties. <br />-20- <br />