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South Bend edevelcpment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - October 12, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSMESS (Cont.) <br />k. continued... <br />RV <br />for a business incubator. Their <br />eosqxxience has been very good and the <br />intcxaction with the Baker and Daniels <br />firm and the City's Legal Department has <br />been a valuable learning experience. Mr. <br />Hun asked if Ms. Jenny Pitts - Manier <br />would like to comnent. <br />Ms. Pitts - Manier concurred that <br />envixormiental law was a highly <br />specialized field and the City's Legal <br />Depirtment required outside assistance. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donoho, <br />seconded by Mr. Combs and unanimously <br />carried, the Commission approved the <br />staff request to hire Baker and Daniels <br />as legal counsel on environmental issues <br />in a Studebaker Corridor on an as <br />needed basis. <br />Mr. Hunt stated that the next item is of <br />a lEgal and technical nature in terms of <br />revising an existing development <br />agreement that controls future action on <br />several parcels in the River Glen Office <br />Par . He asked Ms. Pitts - Lanier to <br />Ms. Jenny Pitts- Manier stated that Art <br />representing the Golden Cat <br />Co ration, is here to answer any <br />qu ions you may have. Edward Lowe <br />Industries acquired some property from <br />the Redevelopment Commission and one of <br />the parcels of property in the corporate <br />ccniplex is undeveloped and is subject to <br />some developmental construction <br />requirements if the property is sold or <br />when construction on the property <br />actually takes place. Edward Lowe <br />Industries intends to sell its corporate <br />assets to the Golden Cat Corporation. The <br />Golden Cat Corporation will take over the <br />operation of the business including <br />-9- <br />