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South Bead evelopnent Ccamnission <br />Regular Mee ing - Septmber 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSS (Cont.) <br />i. continued... <br />the I Board of Works to handle the <br />sel ion of engineers. We will work <br />wi them as plans are developed. <br />Upozi a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by CQMMISSION DESIGNATED THE BOARD <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried the OF WORDS AS ITS REPRESENTATIVE <br />Board of Works was designated as the FOR DESIGN OF PUBLIC IMPROVE( iTS <br />'Commission's representative for the IN THE AIRPORT ECONOMIC <br />design of public improvements in the DEVEIDPMENT AREA. <br />rt Economic Development Area. <br />j. Mrs Kolata asked if item 6.j. could be <br />add to the agenda. There was no <br />ition and Ms. Auburn added item <br />6.j to the agenda. <br />Mrs Kolata said that the Joint <br />Dev opment Committee, provided for in <br />our Contract for Sale of Land with <br />TRAITSPO, needed to meet to consider a <br />possible proposal that might be submitted <br />by it developer involving use of the <br />TRAITSPO lot. According to the agreement, <br />the Joint Development Committee is to be <br />cha by the Mayor and have two <br />Commissioners and two TRANSPO board <br />members on it. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by k1r. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />the Ccemnission appointed Paula Auburn and <br />Mike Donoho to the Joint Development <br />Ccmmittee. <br />7. Progress <br />The] <br />8. NEXT CO? <br />The next <br />Con miss: <br />28, 199( <br />were no progress reports. <br />Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment <br />In is scheduled for Friday, September <br />-23- <br />Oil ��j•`• <br />