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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />6. NEW BU. <br />f. St <br />ge <br />elopnent Commission <br />- September 14, 1990 <br />(Cont.) <br />Mrs Kolata stated there are two parcels <br />of property we'd like to take action on. <br />The first is Parcel 14 -5 which is located <br />at 1408 S. Main St. We would like to <br />recxmmiend accepting a counter offer of <br />$11 000 for this property. <br />upon a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />ssion accepted the counter offer of <br />$11,000 for parcel 14 -5. <br />Mrs Kolata stated that the second is <br />panml 4 -46, located at 1139 S. <br />Lafayette. We sent the purchase offer to <br />Gunther Jordan Corp. Mr. Jordan is now <br />the owner of Exacto Corp. and he has <br />req ested that we withdraw our offer. The <br />staff recommends withdrawing our offer <br />since the lot would be used by Exacto. <br />Upo a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by b1r. Donoho and imanimously carried, <br />the camni.ssion wig it's offer on <br />Paruel 4 -46. <br />Mrs Kolata stated that we have two <br />counter offers to consider. The first is <br />for Parcel W38 -10 located at 1306 W. <br />WaslLington. The owners are Bobby & <br />Deborah Newbill and the staff is <br />acceptance of their counter <br />off of $11,000. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by 11r. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />the counter offer of $11,000 for Parcel <br />W38-10 was accepted. <br />-21- <br />•• I I • • «M• :I• I I i� i } al• <br />• al- • ••s •• -• . am <br />1 • �I: • <br />all •• 11 •• - <br />• � • • ICI <br />CIOMMISSICIN WITHDREW PURCHASE <br />OFFER ON PARCEL 4-46 IN THE <br />COMMISSION AC«@I• TED, THE COUNTER <br />O EI• OF ••0 FOR PARCEL <br />• IN THE WEST <br />WASHINGION-03APIN DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA. <br />