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South Bend evelopment Comiiission <br />Regular Mee ing - May 25, 1990 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />b. continued... <br />indicating where additional research or <br />testing would be required. <br />The committee looked at the proposals <br />fran ATEC, Wilkins and Wheaton and <br />Env' onmental Services to determine if <br />the r were including the same scope of <br />sex ices. ATEC Environmental assured the <br />sta f that they were including the same <br />wor the others were quoting. When the <br />sta f informed ATEC that they would not <br />be oparanteed Phase Two work, they asked <br />to raise their price to $3,750, which is <br />still the lowest proposal. They have a <br />ver.r good reputation and have assured us <br />tha they can do the job for that amount <br />of i ioney. The staff therefore recommends <br />hir ATEC Environmental for a Phase One <br />environmental assessment for part of the <br />Studebaker Corridor. <br />Mr. Piasecki asked who is responsible if <br />the assessment indicates a need for <br />cleanup. Ms. Pfotenhauer responded that, <br />tedinically, anyone in the chain of title <br />for a property can be held responsible <br />for cleanup. Actually, the cost is the <br />responsibility of the owner or occupant <br />who created the problem. We are trying <br />to reke certain that we are protected by <br />knmring what is there before we purchase <br />any property. <br />VMIq <br />We 1 <br />we <br />due <br />the <br />Kolata noted that we expect that the <br />;sment will indicate that a large <br />.on of the properties show no <br />ration of a problem. We know that <br />properties have environmental <br />.ems and will require more testing. <br />nt to do all of the testing before <br />nd purchase offers. The report is <br />athin thirty days of acceptance of <br />-5- <br />