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South Bend <br />Special Me <br />2. OLD BU <br />b. ca <br />C. <br />elcpment Commission <br />- February 16, 1990 <br />make the following year's payment. We do <br />not expert to ever need to levy taxes to <br />make the bond payment. <br />Mr. Piasecki asked where the tax <br />inczement comes from for the payment. <br />Mrs. Kolata responded that the increment <br />is from the entire South Bend Central <br />Development Area. <br />Upor. a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Vt. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission approved Resolution No. <br />915, a resolution of the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission establishing <br />certain funds and accounts in connection <br />with the lease dated as of November 1, <br />198S, between the South Bend <br />RedEvelcpment Commission and the South <br />Redevelopment Authority relating to <br />the South Bend Central Development Area <br />Pub is Improvement Project and other <br />rel ted matters. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the Commission <br />gave permission to file a Notice of <br />Public Hearing on changing the base <br />assessment date. That public hearing is <br />set for February 23, 1990, at 10:00 a.m. <br />and legal notice was published. The <br />Resolution is supplied to the <br />Cormissioners for their review prior to <br />the public hearing. <br />Ms. Auburn asked Mrs. Kolata to explain <br />what parcels are affected by the change <br />in assessment date. Mrs. Kolata noted <br />that parcels 5, 6, 7, and 8 involve an <br />ion to the north and ease in the <br />East sank area; a small expansion in <br />Monroe Park; and an expansion on the west <br />MIE <br />•• I I • . •••• X11 - -Ti ii •� <br />• :� � -�11 � •- ICI <br />• i 1 • 11 M9i'a 1 <br />/• 21 • <br />0 la <br />• � I. 11' ••• 91a1 � <br />X11 21 • • ICI • - .21 111111111 <br />• I • : � 1 MCI <br />21 • . IN • <br />11 -• I� • -• • 1�1' <br />