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South Bend <br />Special Me+ <br />2. OLD BUI <br />a. co, <br />0 <br />VWM <br />MOTZO <br />Mrs. <br />and <br />the <br />the <br />not <br />the <br />elopment C=Lission <br />- February 16, 1990 <br />(Cont.) <br />:has been approved. 'Mere have been <br />minor modifications made to the <br />t. The most significant change is <br />Boning ?) that one method of <br />ing the projects may be the City's <br />insurance. <br />a motion by Mr. Combs, seconded by <br />onoho and unanimously carried, the <br />ssion approved Resolution No. 914, a <br />ution of the South Bend <br />elopment Commission approving <br />ications to and execution of a lease <br />en the South Bend Redevelopment <br />rity and the South Bend <br />elopment Commission for certain land <br />ublic iuprovements, and regarding <br />related matters. <br />Kolata noted that Resolution No. 915 <br />-s that the Authority intends to <br />bonds in the amount of $4,895,000 <br />hat the Authority intends to lease <br />iroject to the Commission. Therefore <br />carnnission would establish a <br />elopment District Bond Fund which <br />.sts of a South Bend Central <br />npment Area Principal and Interest <br />nt and other accounts which the <br />.ssion shall from time to time <br />dish. It also states that the <br />.scion will levy taxes if there is <br />nough money from tax increment in <br />.ccount by August 1st of each year to <br />-2- <br />• • I U 0 CC • <br />• ::I ':It :1 •. <br />• • • :r • <br />• :I:I 1 • <br />::I • :It :I • • L I:M L, a W—AIA N: (01.1 <br />1 • ::I � ':i1 :I •• I:I <br />