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South Bend F <br />Rescheduled <br />6. NEW BUSI <br />e. Cont <br />Upor. <br />Mr. <br />Comer <br />esta <br />in c <br />Sout <br />the <br />rely <br />Stad <br />f . Coma <br />lopment Commission <br />ar Meeting - June 17, 1988 <br />(Cont.) <br />a motion by Mr. Combs, seconded by <br />onoho and unanimously carried, the <br />ssion adopted Resolution No. 849 <br />lishing certain funds and accounts <br />nnection with the Lease between the <br />Bend Redevelopment Commission and <br />outh Bend Redeveloment Authority <br />ed to the Stanley Coveleski Regional <br />um and other related matters. <br />ssion approval of proposal from The <br />cape Design Company, Inc. for design <br />ces at St. Joseph Street and Western <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that the redesign <br />of the park -like area at St. Joseph and <br />Western is part of the reopening of <br />Mic igan Street to two -way traffic and is <br />int nded to change the use of the <br />park-like area from a sitting /gathering <br />area to a viewing area, improving the <br />visibility and security of the project <br />area and the adjacent parking lot. The <br />design concept will include the use of <br />exi ting plant materials and other <br />ame ities where possible while removing <br />all benches and walls which encourage <br />sitting and reduce visibility. The <br />Landscape Design Company expects to have <br />pre iminary designs within four weeks and <br />pro ses a cost for services of $2,500. <br />Upor a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. Combs and unanimously carried the <br />Co ssion approved the proposal from The <br />Landscape Design Company, Inc. for design <br />se ices at St. Joseph Street and Western <br />Aver ue. <br />g. Cormission approval requested for loans <br />in connection with the Section 312 Loan <br />Pr ram in accordance with the <br />reccmmendations from the Bureau of <br />Houslincl. <br />cra <br />COMMISSION ADOPTED RESOLUTION <br />NUMBER 849 ESTABLISHING CERTAIN <br />FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS IN CONNECTION <br />WITH THE LEASE FOR THE STANLEY <br />COVELESKI REGIONAL STADIUM <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE PROPOSAL <br />FROM THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN COMPANY <br />FOR DESIGN SERVICES AT ST. JOSEPH <br />AND WESTERN AVENUE <br />