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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - June 17, 1988 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />d. Continued... <br />As ith the lease for the parking <br />facility, the stadium lease provides an <br />Option to Purchase which may be exercised <br />at any time. If it is not exercised, the <br />Authoriy will deed the property to the <br />Con#ission upon payment of the bonds. <br />Mrs Kolata noted that the bond for the <br />parking facility is a tax exempt bond, <br />but the bond for the stadium is taxable. <br />If Congress passes requested legislation, <br />another refinancing could take place and <br />the bond would be tax exempt. <br />Upon <br />a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. <br />Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Cormtission <br />approved Resolution No. 848 <br />approving <br />modifications to and execution <br />of a <br />Lease between the South Bend <br />Red <br />velopment Authority and the South <br />Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission for the <br />Stanley <br />Coveleski Regional Stadium and <br />regarding <br />other related matters. <br />e. Adoption <br />of Resolution No. 849, a <br />resolution <br />of the South Bend <br />Red 7evelopment <br />Commission establishing <br />certain <br />funds and accounts in connection <br />wit <br />the Lease dated as of June 1, 1988, <br />between <br />the South Bend Redevelopment <br />Cormission <br />and the South Bend <br />Redevelopment <br />Authority related to the <br />Star,ley <br />Coveleski Regional Stadium and <br />other <br />related matters. <br />Mrs. <br />Kolata explained that the resolution <br />states <br />that the Authority intends to <br />issue <br />bonds in the amount of $5,685,000 <br />to finance <br />the acquisition of the <br />stadium, <br />thereby creating a Redevelopment <br />District <br />Bond Fund and other accounts as <br />nec <br />ssary. It states that the Commission <br />will <br />levy a special tax on all taxable <br />pro <br />rty in South Bend in 1988 to help <br />mako <br />the required lease payment. <br />-6- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLUTION <br />NO. 848 APPROVING MODIFICATIONS <br />T0.1-AND EXECUTION OF A LEASE BETWEEN <br />THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHOR- <br />ITY AND THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT <br />COMMISSION FOR THE STANLEY COVELESKI <br />REGIONAL STADIUM <br />