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South Bend R <br />Rescheduled. <br />6. NEW BUSI <br />e. Cont <br />Ms. <br />did <br />bidd <br />Will <br />lowe <br />the <br />elopment Commission <br />lar Meeting - April 29, 1988 <br />(Cont.) <br />aumgartner noted that Rufino Gayton <br />.ot choose to award to the lowest <br />!r. Therefore, the Bureau of Housing <br />only be lending the amount of the <br />t bid and the homeowner will make up <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Combs, the Commission approved the <br />Section 312 loans listed above. <br />f. ComLssion authorization requested for <br />Reso ution No. 843 relating to <br />acquisition of property by eminent <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the parcels to be <br />acquired are known as E9 -14 and E9 -15. <br />They are located along the east side of <br />Nile3 Avenue, next to the property <br />previously awarded to Mill Race <br />part.aership that the Commission rescinded <br />the award on at its last meeting. When <br />Mill Race Partnership bid on the <br />Rede elopment owned land, they had an <br />option to purchase these parcels. Since <br />they were the successful bidder, we did <br />not Droceed with acquisition. Now that <br />they no longer have an interest in them, <br />we w uld like to proceed with <br />acquisition. This resolution authorizes <br />the department to send a purchase offer <br />and, if the offer is not accepted within <br />30 days, to file condemnation proceedings <br />aaai st the owner. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Combs, seconded by <br />Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission adopted Resolution No. 843. <br />7. PROGRESSIREPORTS <br />Mrs. Kol to reported that Can- American <br />South Bend met with the Design Review <br />Committee on April 25th and received <br />approval of their proposed designs for <br />parcel -l. She pointed out some of the <br />-7- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE SECTION <br />312 LOANS LISTED ABOVE <br />COMMISSION AUTHORIZED RESOLUTION <br />NO. 843 RELATING TO ACQUISITION <br />OF PROPERTY BY EMINENT DOMAIN <br />PROGRESS REPORTS <br />