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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />elopment Commission <br />- March 11, 1988 <br />7. PROGRESSIREPORTS (Cont.) <br />the architect were present to show drawings of <br />the pro sed renovation. They plan to put <br />glass windows in all along the Jefferson <br />Street and Michigan Street first floor <br />frontages. They will be creating a <br />hallway/ atrium. entrance off of Michigan Street <br />which will connect in the back with the one <br />which currently comes in from Jefferson <br />Street. They will be taking off the wood <br />facade o er the first floor windows and <br />putting up green marble like is presently <br />around the Jefferson Street entrance. They <br />will be opening up more retail space on the <br />first floor. They will not be doing all of <br />the inte for renovation at once, but enough to <br />use as a model and then more as it is rented. <br />It will j e a major investment in the downtown <br />and a maor improvement to the building. <br />8. NEXT COM�ISSION MEETING <br />PROGRESS REPORTS <br />The next Regular Meeting of the Commission NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />will be Friday, March 25, 1988 at 10:00 a.m. <br />9. ADJO <br />There be ng no further business to come before ADJOURNMENT <br />the Co ssion, Mr. Donoho made a motion that <br />the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Piasecki <br />seconded the motion and the meeting was <br />adlourne at 10:25 a.m. <br />Paula N. <br />President Arirr'E. Kolata, Acting Executive Director <br />