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South Bend 4edevelopment Commission <br />Special Mee ing - December 16, 1987 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />b. Conitinued... <br />Mrs Kolata noted that there was a minor <br />err r in the title of Resolution No. 823 <br />as isted on the agenda. <br />Mrs.1 Kolata explained that this is the <br />res lution which appropriates the money <br />for use once the bonds have been sold. <br />Up o a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by . Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Co 'ssion approved Resolution No. 823. <br />c. Commission approval reque <br />Ame dment to Contract wit <br />Ass ciates, Inc. for en i <br />Niles Avenue in the South <br />Dev lotcment Area. <br />ed for <br />Ken Herceg and <br />erina work on <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that we have asked Ken <br />Herceg and Associates to do some <br />additional design work on the north end <br />of the Niles Avenue project, along the <br />property for the East Bank Trail and the <br />East Race Inn. The amendment covers <br />costs for the additional work. She <br />note J, however, that we would be <br />accepting his proposal for only items A. <br />and 3. The Department of Engineering <br />woul do the walk and curb replacement <br />desi Therefore, the total cost of the <br />addi ional work will be $2,500. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLUTION <br />NO. 823 <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded COMMISSION APPROVED ITEMS A AND <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the B IN THE AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH`' <br />CommLssion approved items A and B in the KEN HERCEG AND ASSOCIATES FOR <br />Amendment to Contract with Ken Herceg and ENGINEERING WORK ON NILES AVENUE <br />Associates for engineering work on Niles <br />Aven e. <br />d. CommLssion approval requested for <br />Contract with CWA Walker, Inc. for <br />engineering services related to the St. <br />N <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that CWA Walker, Inc. <br />had qone the preliminary work on the <br />gara e, including a schematic and floor <br />&'m <br />