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South Bend qedevelopment Commission <br />Special Mee ing - December 16, 1987 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. Uonitlnuecl .. . <br />bond issue of 1988. This is a bond in <br />the amount of $1.8 million for the South <br />Bend Central Development Area. The <br />proceeds from the bonds will be used for <br />(1) public works improvements throughout <br />the area, primarily in the Niles Avenue <br />area, to create better lighting, angle <br />str et parking, sidewalk and curb <br />imp ovements and widening of a portion of <br />the street; (2) public improvements at <br />Union station to allow for railroad <br />passenger service; (3) acquisition of <br />some vacant lots in Monroe Park; (4) <br />pedestrian walkways in the East Bank <br />area, and (5) improvements to some <br />Redevelopment-owned parking lots which <br />hav not been improved. <br />Oth uses of proceeds will be to <br />es lish a debt service reserve and to <br />pay i ssuance costs. <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that the Commission <br />will approve the Official Statement for <br />this bond issue at the December 30 <br />meeting of the Commission. Also, today's <br />acti n maintains the schedule of having <br />the oond sale on January 19, 1988. <br />Finally, we will be in Indianapolis this <br />Friday for a hearing before the Local <br />Pro party Tax Control Board on the bond <br />issu . <br />Mr. iimtz asked if anyone present desired <br />to bD heard concerning this matter. <br />Ther was no one present who wished to <br />comm ant and Mr. Nimtz concluded the <br />Public Hearing on this matter for <br />what ver action the Commission desired to <br />take <br />b. Commission approval requested for <br />Reso <br />A r riation Resolution TWO, City of <br />S21Lth Bend Redevelopment District Tax <br />Revenue Bonds of 1988. <br />