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Soul <br />Regt <br />3. <br />4. <br />5. <br />0 <br />h Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />dar Meeting <br />- December 11, 1987 <br />APPROV <br />OF CLAIMS (Cont.) <br />1987 <br />raker Construction, Inc. <br />T.I.F. <br />Kaser -S <br />Carl J. <br />Reinke & Sons, Inc. <br />Tot3l <br />T.I.F. 1987 <br />TOTAL <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />no ccomunications. <br />There were <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />no old business. <br />There was <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />ssion approval requested for <br />a. Co <br />Resolution <br />No. 823 Amended Supplemental <br />Appropriation <br />One, City of South Bend <br />Redevelopment <br />District Tax Increment <br />Revenue <br />Bonds of 1988. <br />Mr. <br />Nimtz directed that this item be <br />continued <br />until the December 16, 1987 <br />meeting. <br />b. Public <br />Hearing on West Washington - Chapin <br />Development <br />Area with respect to <br />Resolution <br />No. 824 ratifying and <br />con <br />irming Resolution No. 818, <br />des <br />grating the West Washington Chapin <br />Development <br />Area, declaring the West <br />Washington-Chapin <br />Development Area to be <br />blighted, <br />approving a Development Plan <br />and <br />conditions under which relocation <br />payments <br />will be made, and establishing <br />an <br />allocation area for purposes of tax <br />incremental <br />financing. <br />Mrs <br />Kolata read into the record the <br />items <br />for Public Hearing: <br />1. <br />An original of the Notice of Public <br />Hearing of the West <br />Washington- Chapin Development Area. <br />-3- <br />$ 5,510.82 <br />123.573.25 <br />$129,084.07 <br />$159,778.94 <br />THERE WERE NO COMMUNICATIONS <br />THERE WAS NO OLD BUSINESS <br />CONTINUED <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION NO. 824 <br />