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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 11, 1987 <br />6. NEW BUSMSS (Cont.) <br />f. Continued... <br />Enforcement report. The <br />teading Program is only one way to <br />ass vacant property. <br />Ms. Pat DeClercq, Director of Code <br />Enforcement, presented her report, a <br />sumnary of which follows. A copy of the <br />repDrt in its entirety is attached to <br />the e minutes. <br />Ms. DeClercq noted that Code <br />Enforcement's interest is also to <br />pre erve housing stock. Their job is to <br />ins -ire that a property is not a danger to <br />other people or to itself. Their goal <br />throughout the process is to get the <br />owner to repair the property. When that <br />fai s, their demolition procedure is <br />strictly controlled by law. Inspectors <br />carefully document the condition of a <br />proDerty and the contacts with the owner. <br />When the owner does not respond to <br />notices from Code Enforcement, an <br />imp)rtial Hearing Officer hears all the <br />fac s presented by the Inspector. The <br />own r is then allowed all the time he <br />wis es to respond, indicating what his <br />plais are for the property. The Hearing <br />Officer then makes a judgement. <br />Ms. DeClercq pointed out that 36 houses, <br />27 garages and 1 commercial building were <br />demAished in 1986. There were 30 <br />houses, 15 garages, and 1 commercial <br />building demolished in 1987. Private <br />d litions for 1986 included 31 houses, <br />20 garages and 7 commercial buildings. <br />In i987 43 houses, 26 garages and 14 <br />comaercial buildings were demolished. <br />Ms. DeClercq noted that a large <br />percentage of Code Enforcement <br />d litions are buildings that are fire <br />She *ted that the hearing procedure is <br />an Offective tool toward getting the <br />50M <br />