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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 <br />6. NEW BUS NESS (Cont.) <br />c. uonrcinuea... <br />moved out it was discovered that more <br />wor was necessary than originally <br />pro Dosed. The revised proposal is listed <br />for approval with the loans in item 6(d). <br />The E. Corby Street loans were approved <br />for Neighborhood Housing Services. NHS, <br />however, has entered into a partnership <br />with the Housing Development Corporation <br />and the loans should have been approved <br />in the name of East Corby Partnership. <br />The corrected loans are listed for <br />app oval with the loans in item 6(d). <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission approved the rescission of <br />con racts for the Rental Rehab Loans <br />listed above. <br />d. Comnission approval requested for <br />proposals and loans in connection with <br />the Rental Rehab Program in accordance <br />with the recorrmendation from the Bureau <br />of Housing. <br />Na; Contractor <br />Jol ne Newton <br />915 2 W. Lasalle <br />R. teve Gay <br />520 N. Notre Dame/ <br />902 E. Miner <br />717 <br />HDC <br />511 <br />HDC <br />431 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE RESCISSION <br />OF CONTRACTS FOR THE RENTAL REHAB <br />LOANS LISTED ABOVE <br />Townsend Construction $ 6,100.00 <br />R. Steve Gay <br />Sing Development Plaia Construction <br />)oration of St. <br />Kph County (HDC) <br />E. Broadway <br />N. Blaine <br />Cottage Grove <br />$ 31,571.00 <br />$ 30,228.00 <br />Townsend Construction $ 37,846.00 <br />Ward Construction <br />-4- <br />$ 36,501.00 <br />$ 3,529.50 (Public) <br />$ 3,254.00 (Private) <br />$ 15,000.00 (Public) <br />$ 17,720.00 (Private) <br />$ 8,700.00 (Public) <br />$ 15,683.25 (Public CD) <br />$ 8,127.75 (Private) <br />$ 8,700.00 (Public) <br />$ 21,724.00 (Public CD) <br />$ 10,141.50 (Private) <br />$ 17,400.00 (Public) <br />$ 11,775.00 (Public CD) <br />$ 9,725.00 (Private) <br />