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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - June 26, 1987 <br />6. NEW BUS�NESS (Cont.) <br />b. Cohtinued... <br />Tax Abatement Impact Area by the South <br />Bend Common Council and is also located <br />in a Tax Incremental Financing <br />Allocation Area. The project itself <br />will not create new jobs, but it is <br />e cted that, based on an average of <br />one employee per 200 square feet of <br />office space, the tenants should provide <br />the Monroe Park area with as many as 63 <br />new clerical jobs. The property has <br />generated neither real nor personal <br />property taxes during the last five <br />years. The three story, 16,400 s.f. <br />office structure should be valued at <br />$900,000 when complete. River Glen <br />South Associates qualifies for a six <br />year tax abatement. Based upon that, the <br />es to be abated over a six year <br />period are $112,179 and the taxes to be <br />paid during that time are $159,255. <br />Mr. Panzica indicated that they felt <br />they needed the tax abatement to be <br />ccnipetetive with other office buildings <br />being constructed in the downtown area. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission adopted Resolution No. <br />80E requesting real property tax <br />deduction for River Glen South <br />Associates. <br />C. Public Hearing on the South BE <br />De-\;elopment Area with respect to <br />Resolution No. 803 confiming Resol <br />No. 800 redeclaring the South Bend <br />Central Development Area to be blighted <br />fo purposes of compliance with the Tax <br />Act of 1986. <br />Mr. Nimtz declared the meeting open for <br />Puhlic Hearing concerning Resolution No. <br />803 and recognized Mr. Hunt to conduct <br />thE Puplic Hearing. <br />Mr� Hunt submitted the following <br />in ormation to be entered into the <br />COMMISSION ADOPTED RESOLUTION <br />NO. 805 REQUESTING REAL PROPERTY <br />TAX DEDUCTION FOR RIVER GLEN <br />SOUTH ASSOCIATES <br />