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South Bend gedevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - June 26, 1987 <br />4. COMMUNI%TIONS (Cunt.) <br />b. Continued... <br />C. <br />P1 ase let me know if any further <br />i ormation is required. Your favorable <br />response will be appreciated. <br />Mr. Bodnar pointed out that the Board of <br />Public Works grants permission for the <br />fireworks. The request to the <br />Ccmmission is for the use of their land <br />for parking. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Conimission approved the use of their <br />land for parking for the Special <br />O1 pics subject to approval for the <br />fi eworks display by the Board of Public <br />Wo ks and the fire marshall. <br />tion from Anthony J. Panzica <br />a redistribution of <br />> shares for the make -up of <br />River Glen South Associates. <br />— I <br />Mr .1Hunt read into the record the letter <br />fr Anthony J. Panzica: <br />18, 1987 <br />Cit y of South Bend <br />De artment of Redevelopment <br />12 (0 County -City Building <br />So th Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Mr. Jon R. Hunt <br />Executive Director <br />Mr. Hunt: <br />Pi se be advised that, effective <br />immediately, Mr. Elmer F. Layden, Jr. <br />has withdrawn as a partner in River Glen <br />South Associates. <br />Alt.iough Mr. Layden's insurance business <br />still intends to occupy space in the <br />facility as a tenant, other business <br />int rests have taken precedence over his <br />inv sting in this particular project. <br />-4- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE USE OF <br />THEIR LAND FOR PARKING FOR FIRE <br />WORKS DURING THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS <br />COMMUNICATION REGARDING A <br />REDISTRIBUTION OF PARTNERSHIP <br />SHARES IN THE MAKE -UP OF RIVER <br />GLEN SOUTH ASSOCIATES <br />