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South Bend R development Commission <br />Regular Meet ng - January 9, 1987 <br />4. COMMUNICtTIONS (Cont.) <br />State and the Morris Civic are <br />municipally owned, it would seem <br />advantageous to utilize this equipment <br />where it would do the most good, and the <br />city would realize a return on the use of <br />the quipment, in increased revenue for <br />the orris Civic. <br />I would like to ask the Commission <br />to give this proposal serious <br />consideration and hope that the <br />feasibility of this proposal is apparent. <br />I realize that there might be certain <br />cond tions for the use of this equipment, <br />and I am willing to reach an equitable <br />agre ment. <br />Warm I regards, <br />DalelE. Balsbaugh <br />Direotor, Morris Civic Auditorium <br />Mr. Pitts noted that the projection <br />equirment from the State Theatre and the <br />Morris Civic Auditorium each have some <br />components that are in good condition. <br />They would likely take the best of both <br />to make a workable set of projection <br />equirment. Mr. Hunt indicated that the <br />staff's recommendation was to donate the <br />equi ent to the Morris Civic. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the donation of the <br />prof ction equipment from the State <br />Theatre to the Morris Civic Auditorium. <br />5. OLD <br />There wasl no old business. <br />6. NEW <br />a. Commi sion approval requested for <br />propo als and grants in connection with <br />-4- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED DONATION OF <br />THE PROJECTION EQUIPMENT FROM THE <br />STATE THEATRE TO THE MORRIS CIVIC <br />AUDITORIUM <br />THERE WAS NO OLD BUSINESS <br />