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South Bend <br />Rescheduled <br />lopment Commission <br />ar Meeting - November 21, 1986 <br />3. APPROVALIOF CLAIMS (Cont.) <br />4. <br />Upon a irption made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. Pias cki and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission formally approved the claims <br />submitted November 13 and November 18, "1986 <br />and ordered checks dated November 19 and <br />December 1, 1986 to be released. <br />Letter f #om the South Bend Tribune rec <br />Law. <br />November 8, 1986 <br />F. Jay N mtz <br />Presiden <br />South Be rd Redevelopment Commission <br />County-City Building, Room 1200 <br />South Be d, IN 46601 <br />Dear Mr. lNimtz, <br />Today I ieceived notices of meetings planned <br />by the S uth Bend Redevelopment Commission. <br />One notice referred to an executive session <br />planned lor 9:15 a.m. November 7, while the <br />other re erred to rescheduled regular meetings <br />on Novem er 7 and November 21. Since today is <br />November 8, the notice for the November 7 <br />sessions reached us too late. Consequently, <br />we did n t know about the public meeting and <br />did not attend. <br />As you probably are aware, the Indiana Open <br />Meetings Law requires that notice of executive <br />sessions and public meetings be given at least <br />48 hours in advance. We should have been <br />notified by 9:15 a.m. November 5 of the <br />executiv and regular sessions of the <br />Commissi n. <br />A notati n at the bottom of the meeting <br />notices indicates that the notices were mailed <br />on Novem er 5. That is the date the notices <br />should have been received, not the date they <br />should have been mailed. <br />Jeanne D�rbeck, who normally attends and <br />covers R development Commission meetings, <br />-3- <br />COMMISSION FORMALLY APPROVED <br />CLAIMS SUBMITTED NOVEMBER 13 <br />AND NOVEMBER 19, 1986, AND <br />ORDERED CHECKS DATED NOVEMBER 19 <br />AND DECEMBER 1, 1986 TO BE <br />RELEASED <br />