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South Bend Pedevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - December 20, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />d. Continued... <br />757 The Commission finds that these facts <br />are still true and correct, and are still <br />fouid to exist. <br />Mrs Kolata stated there were no written <br />r nstrances concerning this Resolution as of <br />10:00 a.m. this morning. <br />The Chair noted that this concluded the staff <br />pre entation and opened the Public Hearing for <br />Public comment. There were no comments heard. <br />Upom a motion made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Con-mission approved Resolution No. 757 <br />ratifying and confirming Resolution No. 751 <br />red Glaring the South Bend Central Development <br />Are be blighted and amending the <br />Dev lopment Plan. <br />e. ConmLission approval requested for Proclaimer <br />Cer ificate No. 3 relative to establishment of <br />fair market value of property to be acquired <br />in the South Bend Central Development Area. <br />Mr. Hunt explained that each parcel included <br />in Proclaimer Certificate No. 3 has been <br />app aised by two qualified independent <br />professional real estate appraisers. Each of <br />the appraisals have been reviewed by the <br />department staff, and no corrections, <br />revisions or additions were requested by the <br />Department. The Department, following the two <br />independent appraisals, has established the <br />fai market value of each of the parcels. <br />The e are four parcels in question. <br />Upor a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Co mission approved Proclaimer Certificate No. <br />3 relative to establishment of fair market <br />value of property to be acquired in the South <br />Bend Central Development Area. <br />f. ComTission approval requested for Resolution <br />No. 758 relating to acquisition of property <br />located within the South Bend Central <br />DKv: lopment Area by eminent domain. <br />-5- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED <br />RESOLUTION NO. 757 RATIFYING <br />AND CONFIRMING RESOLUTION <br />NO. 751 REDECLARING THE <br />SOUTH BEND CENTRAL DEVELOP- <br />MENT AREA TO BE BLIGHTED <br />AND AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT <br />PLAN <br />COMMISSION APPROVED PRO - <br />CLAIMER CERTIFICATE NO. 3 <br />RELATIVE TO ESTABLISHMENT <br />OF FAIR MARKET VALUE OF <br />PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED IN <br />THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />