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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />6. NEW BU <br />d. Co <br />co <br />fi <br />elopment Commission <br />- October 25,1985 <br />( font . ) <br />wi <br />services. <br />to amend a <br />Mrs Kolata noted that the Commission entered <br />into a contract with Springsted, Incorporated, <br />on July 11, 1985. Under the terms of this <br />contract, Springsted would be paid an amount <br />not to exceed $24,500 with out -of- pocket <br />ex ses not to exceed $4,000. The Commission <br />has received a letter from Springsted <br />explaining that there have been some extra <br />trips to South Bend and extra work caused by <br />so discrepancies in data that had been given <br />to Springsted. In trying to reconcile those <br />itents, Springsted has incurred some additional <br />expEmses. They are requesting an increase in <br />the reimbursement amount from $4,000 to $6,000 <br />and also due to their increased time an <br />additional $3,400 be paid over the original <br />contract amount. Considering the amount of <br />ti Springsted has put into this project, the <br />staff feels that this is a justified increase. <br />Ms. Schwartz commented that this matter was <br />brought to the Commission for their approval; <br />but technically under the terms of the <br />contract, Jon Hunt has the ability to <br />authorize additional travel expenses and <br />re' ursement for out -of- pocket expenses. <br />Spr ngsted's additional time has been put in <br />at the request of the Department, and under <br />the terms of the contract we are required to <br />pay that amount. The staff wanted to bring <br />thi request to the Commission for their <br />app oval as well. <br />Upoi a motion made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Co ssion approved an amendment to a contract <br />with Springsted, Incorporated, for financial <br />consulting services. <br />e. Comiission approval requested for approval of <br />the Official Statement for the tax incremental <br />fin ce bond issue. <br />—5— <br />COMMISSION APPROVED AN <br />AMENDMENT TO A CONTRACT <br />Tn ETH SPRINGSTED, INCOR- <br />PORATED, FOR FINANCIAL <br />CONSULTING SERVICES <br />