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South Bend redevelopment Commission <br />RescheduledlRegular Meeting - October 14, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />c. uonuinuea... <br />Mr. Hunt explained that the applicants will be <br />the general contractor for this Rental Rehab <br />project. The applicants have met the general <br />contractor qualifications required by the <br />Bureau of Housing. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Co ssion approved a bid and loans in <br />connection with the Rental Rehab Loan Program <br />as listed above. <br />d. Co ssion approvalrequested for a contract <br />in connection with the Paint-Up <br />accordance with the recommendation from the <br />Contractor <br />Lor aine Wilson First Source Builders <br />221 Longley <br />Mr. Hunt explained that the Bureau of Housing <br />has conducted a Paint -Up Program for lower <br />income individuals. The program was funded <br />through the Community Development Jobs Bill <br />money. The Jobs Bill program ended in <br />Seember of 1985. There is one unit left to <br />c04, lete, and the staff.recon4nends that it be <br />biut to a private contractor. <br />Upop a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Co ssion approved a contract in connection <br />with the Paint -Up Program as listed above. <br />Ms. Ric1miond reported the good job being done <br />by the contractors to complete the exterior <br />cork for the Bureau of Housing programs before <br />the winter weather sets in. During the winter <br />months, contractors will work only on interior <br />projects. <br />Mr. Hunt reported that the staff made a <br />presentation in Indianapolis to underwriters <br />regardi q Tax Incremental Financing. Also <br />-5- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A BID <br />AND LOANS IN CONNECTION <br />WITH THE RENTAL REHAB <br />LOAN PROGRAM AS LISTED <br />ABOVE <br />M. <br />$290.00 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A <br />CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH <br />THE PAINT -UP PROGRAM AS <br />LISTED ABOVE <br />*—y : * <br />