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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meting - September 13, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. Comtinuea... <br />using the existing structure and tying in <br />right on an angle that would bring it in on <br />the second floor by the elevators so that <br />ha dicapped access would be provided without <br />doing any violation at all to the structure. <br />The hotel was constructed so there is space at <br />the second story level to have the skywalk tie <br />in The construction will not be involved <br />with anything inside the hotel. It only <br />involves the public portion which is outside <br />the exterior walls. There would be a stairway <br />co structed by the hotel from the lobby up to <br />the second floor. The skywalk would then tie <br />in out over the roadway and connecting at an <br />angle into the existing glass that is there. <br />The Johnson /Burgee representative thought that <br />it was an acceptable concept and something <br />that would enhance the architecture. <br />Mr Hunt stated that Allan Ritchie, who <br />represented Johnson /Burgee, was deeply <br />involved in the Century Center project. The <br />staff met with Mr. Ritchie, Rich Hill, Century <br />Center and the Marriott Hotel representatives. <br />Si ce then there have been some telephone <br />co versations and written correspondence on <br />the project with Mr. Ritchie. Johnson /Burgee <br />decided that they would do the same thing as <br />th y did with the Century Center which was to <br />go with a local engineering firm. At that <br />time they worked with Cole Associates, and <br />Cole Associates would be involved in the <br />skywalk project also. The connection was <br />agreed upon by Johnson /Burgee. The connection <br />makes the access to the Century Center <br />el vator and the stairs on the second level. <br />Tht preliminary design work will be completed <br />after the sale of the TIF bonds. <br />. Allen asked if the original thought of <br />an redevelopment was to return to the city <br />of the monies that were taken away when <br />ldings were torn down resulting in lost tax <br />Mr. Hunt stated this was true and that was <br />what the Tax Increment will do. It is not a <br />co tinuous program that runs forever in terms <br />