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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting - September 13, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. uo r-inuea... <br />and convention dollars that are brought into <br />the community. This is a major industry and <br />it can only go up. The connection of the <br />Marriott and Century Center by a skywalk will <br />enhance the competitiveness to market this <br />general community. It has been a concern of <br />Ce tury Center that they are going head to <br />head with cities of our size in competing for <br />regional and national conferences that have <br />almost a totally enclosed facility. The <br />project has long term benefits. <br />Mr. Gilbert asked what the public's <br />opportunity was in 1979 to participate in the <br />de ision to construct a skywalk. <br />Mr Hill stated that as part of the UDAG <br />appropriation process there were public <br />hearings before the City Council. Any actions <br />by the Redevelopment Commission in terms of <br />th ground lease were conducted only when <br />public hearings were held. That project <br />itself creates a very substantial portion of <br />th increment that permits Redevelopment to <br />issue these bonds. There was a series of <br />ne otiations in terms of any development <br />agreement that were executed by the Board of <br />Public Works. If it were not for the Marriott <br />project, Redevelopment would not have the <br />ability it does to benefit from that <br />Mr. Nimtz noted that at the time the feeling <br />was to fill the "hole ". If it hadn't been for <br />th former Congressman John Brademas' <br />assistance, we would never had received the <br />UD G award. He noted that this project was a <br />bid boom for downtown South Bend. <br />Mrs. Allen asked how the skywalk would be <br />connected to the Art Center without affecting <br />th design of Century Center. <br />Mr. Hill explained that the staff has worked <br />wi th Johnson /Bargee Architects on the concept <br />an design of the skywalk. Johnson / Burgee has <br />ha representatives on site and believe that <br />the skywalk can come into the second story <br />-7- <br />